Major financial administration company chose Koho PSA to support their business functions

One of the biggest corporations in the financial administration industry in the Nordics, Accountor, renewed their PSA to correspond with their business’ current needs. Accountor group is specialized in software solutions and outsourcing services for financial and HR services, and they employ approx. 2350 professionals in 6 countries.

Accountor, one of the biggest financial administration companies in the Nordics, chose Koho PSA.

Changes in their service model and processes related to strategy implementation led to Accountor’s decision to acquire a new solution. They wanted to actively improve their customer service. This made transparent work management, processes and tasks throughout the organization crucial for their operations. Accountor chose Koho PSA as their new system, as it supports all the functions necessary for improving their service.

“We ended up choosing Koho PSA, as its features fit all our business operations. It also supports the development of the processes that are most important to us in improving customer experience”, states Accountor’s development leader Hanne Duran.

The deployment of the comprehensive Koho PSA was first made for approx. 1000 end users in Finland. Later on the use will expand to all Nordic countries. The collaboration of Koho PSA and Accountor is thus expected to last long into the future. The scalability of Koho PSA enables the use of a single system, despite the slight differences in ways of operating in different countries.

Koho PSA’s various features convinced the financial administration corporation

Koho PSA is a multifaceted system, where you can do things in various ways. The customizability, automations, and tailor-made solutions are some of Koho PSA’s best features: in fact, there are over 270 ways to use the system. This, combined with fast development and over 70 interfaces with other software, makes Koho PSA one of the best tools in its segment.

“Out of all the PSA’s on the market, Koho PSA has the best fit to the everyday life of accounting offices. This great new partnership reinforces our status as the go-to specialist of PSA solutions also for larger corporations”, rejoices Koho PSA’s CEO Mikael Wallstén.

“It was important to us, that our partner understands our business and the significance of service quality for customer satisfaction. It’s also great that they’re ready to be flexible in adjusting the product to our needs”, tells Hanne Duran.

Accountor Go for micro companies

The scalability of Koho PSA comes useful also for Accountor Go, which is Accountor’s financial administration unit dealing with micro businesses. Accountor Go’s service manager, Juho Nyberg, tells how Koho PSA has benefited their everyday work.

One of the most important tasks of a PSA is to reduce the time employees use on routine work. Nyberg says, that Koho has met the expectations. “We can do invoicing twice the speed compared to before Koho PSA”, he estimates. Some other features Accountor Go appreciates in Koho PSA are the CRM, work management and time entry features. Nyberg also states that the PSA has made work phase tracking easier and reporting faster.

“For us, it is important that we can manage our clients effectively and the process is simple. Koho PSA helps a lot with organizing and streamlining our daily functions. Invoicing and work time tracking are both in one system, as well as CRM. It simplifies things”, tells Nyberg.

He points out, that Accountor Go has taken the use of the system even further, by building API between Koho PSA and their own system. A customer’s info is automatically transferred from their system to Koho PSA. This reduces workload and the need for manual, repetitive work.

Organizing the work of a financial administration company is easier with Koho PSA

When choosing a PSA, you need to take into account its usability. The system must not cause more trouble than what it’s worth. According to Nyberg, all employees got familiar with Koho PSA within months. “Koho PSA’s interface is clear. You can find things easily from it, and the management is much easier than with previous systems. Of course, at first it took a bit of effort before all employees remembered what can be found from where”, Nyberg says.

Their new PSA has gotten positive feedback from Accountor Go’s employees. They have said, that organizing work is now easier. According to Nyberg, the training made it easier to learn the system. “Communicating with Koho PSA has been very easy. We get help whenever we need. We also have regular meetings where we go through things. Koho PSA gives personal and good service.”

Some of Accountor’s favourite features of Koho PSA

  • Invoicing is done in half the time.
  • Customer management is effective and simple.
  • The PSA helps with organizing daily work.
  • They have invoicing, work time tracking, and CRM in on system, which streamlines processes.
  • The API between Koho PSA and Accountor’s own system reduces work phases.

Book a demo with Koho PSA’s specialist, if you’d like to hear more how it would benefit your financial administration company!

Accountor specializes in software solutions and outsourcing services for financial and HR services. The group employs about 2.200 experts in seven countries. Their mission is to help our customers use the possibilities of modern technology and digitalization in their everyday work. The group’s headquarters is in Espoo, Finland. In addition to Finland they operate in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands and Ukraine. The turnover of the Accountor Group was 221 M€ in

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Book a free demo, no strings attached, and let Koho PSA convince you. You can save up to 87 % in invoicing with Koho PSA. The demo will give you a better view on how Koho PSA will help your accounting company succeed.